Rambler's Top100

About Company

Engineering company "METAROSSA" is located in the center of Moscow. In addition to office, we have a warehouse not far from Moscow.

METAROSSA was established in 1995 by highly skilled specialists. All specialists have high education; some of them have Doctor's degree in the field of management and technical sciences.

At present time, the staff of the company consists of 50 managers and technical specialists. Most of our specialists have experience of work on the key enterprises of USSR. CEO of our company is candidate of technical science in area of industrial automation.

The basic departments of our company are:

  • sales department;

  • procurement department;

  • marketing department;

  • project department;

  • technical department

More than 10 years METAROSSA specialize in Hi-tech solutions in area of engineering, joining stages like designing and supply plant automation systems, equipment and piping. We realize work package of preparation and coordination project, propose technological solutions including equipment selection and developers, supply organization and realization for reconstructible objects and under construction plants.

We are working with following product lines:

1. Automation systems and monitors;

2. Pump equipment;

3. Stop pipeline valves;

4. Control pipeline valves;

5. Actuators for pipeline valves;

6. Pipes and pipeline details with alloy steel and stainless steel material performance;

7. Innovation technologies, constructions and materials (in particular on ceramic base).

We specialize in the most perspective and thriving industries in Russia.

  • chemistry and petrochemistry;

  • heat-and-power.

We have many year's experience of work with biggest enterprises of these fields.

Our permanent consumers are:

  • OJSC "Kazanorgsintez" (Kazan);
  • Joint-stock company "Voronezhsynthezkauchuk" (Voronej);
  • United Chemical Company "Shchekinoazot";
  • Joint-stock company "Mosenergo" (Moscow);
  • Volga Territorial Generation Company (TGC-7) (Samara)
    and others.

On the Russian market we representative interests and provide not only Russian and Europe products. We have started cooperation with NEWAY Valve (Suzhou) Co Ltd (China) through their Russian representative.
Within the next 5 years, we will become import leader of Hi-tech automation system, equipment and pipelines for Russian chemistry, petrochemistry and heat-and-power enterprises.
Nowadays we are looking for foreign producers, which are ready with our collaboration to compete with world leaders for taking leading position on the Russian market.

We would be glad to long term and productive cooperation with you.

Все горящие предложения

Отводы (Ду 57- 630, ГОСТ 17375), переходы (Ду 57- Ду 426, ГОСТ 17378), тройники (Ду 57- Ду 219, ГОСТ 17376), заглушки (ГОСТ 17379)

Арматура запорная, фланцы ГОСТ 12821 ст.20, фланцы ГОСТ 12820 ст.09Г2С, 12х18н10Т, фланцы ГОСТ 12820 ст.20, крепеж оцинкованный, крепеж стальной

Предлагаем отводы крутоизогнутые ГОСТ 17375-2001 и ГОСТ 30753-2001 по сниженным ценам

Переходы и тройники ГОСТ 17378 и ГОСТ 17376 по сниженным ценам со склада в Московской обл.

Предлагаем затворы дисковые поворотные Ду 25-200 общепром, химия, газ

Шаровые краны цельносварные, полнопроходные на высокое давление

Вертикальные и горизонтальные стальные резервуары (емкости), объемом от 5 до 50000 куб. м. и комплектное резервуарное оборудование

Электроприводы с любым типом присоединения в общепромышленном или взрывозащищенном исполнении

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Группа компаний «МЕТАРОССА» Трубопроводная арматура, детали трубопроводов, нестандартное оборудование + 7 495 921-2280 (многоканальный), info@trubarm.ru
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Группа компаний «МЕТАРОССА»

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